Using systems thinking to transform our food: Beans as an analytical lens
Given the complex nature of the UK food system, it is clear that interventions to transform it will need to be designed from a systems perspective, i.e. as systemic innovations. Key questions therefore include; what should be the boundaries of the system? Which actors and what perspectives would have to be involved? What collaboration would be needed? How could all the moving parts pull in one direction at once? Who would be the winners and losers?
We will look at a systems approach to food system transformation, through the lens of the BeanMeals project, which was designed to explore systemic innovations using beans as the case study.
The benefits of incorporating more beans into our diets and farming systems are well documented: not only can they contribute to healthier and more sustainable diets and lower shopping bills, but they can increase soil fertility, provide a home-grown livestock feed, and ultimately reduce GHG emissions.
In this webinar, Dr John Ingram, from the University of Oxford, uses the example of beans to show why thinking about the wider system is so important when trying to create large-scale change in diets and food production.
This is the second part of our first webinar on Systems Thinking: How to address highly complex problems with Prof Gerald Midgley.
About John:
Dr John Ingram leads food systems research at the Environmental Change Institute, at the University of Oxford, with particular emphasis on the multiple two-way interactions between food security and environment. Before this he was NERC’s Food Security Leader and he originally trained in soil science. He also currently co-leads The Foresight4Food Initiative, which explores how to improve scenario analysis and foresight (understanding risks and opportunities) for the global food system. He will present thinking based on his research as an AFN Network+ Champion last year and his work on the BeansMeals project. Read his report here.
About the webinar series:
This webinar is part of a monthly series run by AFN Network+ which explores net zero in the UK agri-food system with leading movers and shakers. Expect deep and varied insight from across the sector, including farmers, scientists, policy analysts, community leaders, retailers, politicians, businesses and health professionals. The series is put together by Jez Fredenburgh, our Knowledge Exchange Fellow, and Prof Neil Ward, AFN Co-lead and professor of rural geography at the University of East Anglia.