image shows a tractor in a field

DIGEST: National Food Security & storytelling for change

This time last week, thousands of people were settling into The Oxford Real Farming Conference and The Oxford Farming Conference (OFC). Differences of politics and precise change needed aside, we probably all shared a thought similar to this; “Food and farming are critical to tackling multiple crises – we all know it, it’s obvious – so why isn’t the whole country jumping up and down calling for action?!”

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AI & reducing agricultural emissions – risks, opportunities & research gaps

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is fast opening up a world of new possibilities in multiple areas – and a lot of questions too. For food and farming, a big question is whether and how it can help us reduce emissions faster, in what is a critical decade for tackling climate change. In this whistle stop tour of what AI might mean for crop and livestock production, we also discuss the risks, unintended consequences and trade-offs.

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