Caeli Richardson
Year 2 Champion Land Productivity
Caeli discovered her passion for agriculture while working on a dairy farm in Canada. She broadened her practical experience on a local swine and cash- crop operation before gaining a global perspective of on-farm challenges. Incorporating practical experience into her theoretical training allows Caeli to create innovative solutions to multifaceted problems. Before joining AbacusBio, Caeli completed a Ph.D. in Computational Biology at La Trobe University in Australia, focusing on the development and implementation of genetic strategies to reduce methane emissions in Australian dairy cattle. Caeli is a proud participant of the 2023 ICAR Brian Wickham Young Persons Exchange Program where she investigated the implementation and validation of sustainability in cattle.
LinkedIn Group
This year’s Champions are starting to build their own networks centred around our research themes and one of the ways they are looking to engage with our audience is through the use of LinkedIn groups.