
Round-up – July 2024

Head and shoulders picture of Chris Stark.

This is our round-up for July 2024. Please note that this page is not updated, so deadlines may have passed and links may no longer work. To receive future newsletters, please join our network.

18 July, 14.00 | Networking event | Find partners to research health inequalities in the food system

UKRI has launched a funding round of £8.5m to research dietary health inequalities in the UK food system. Projects must be interdisciplinary and with at least one stakeholder organisation. AFN Network+ is hosting online networking to facilitate collaboration between partners.

18 July, 15.45 | City Webinar | The incoming UK Government’s first 100 days – food policy implications

City University is hosting an in-person and online webinar with Henry Dimbleby, on the critical food policy actions the incoming UK government should take in their first 100-days of office. Register

23 July, 11.00 | AFN Webinar | Chris Stark – what I’ve learnt about climate change policy and agri-food

We’ll be doing a deep dive into Chris Stark’s insights, frustrations and reflections as the country’s leading climate change policy expert. Recently poached by Energy Security & Net Zero Secretary, Ed Miliband, to lead the UK’s green energy transition, Chris is one of the most well-known figures in climate policy.  Until April he was chief executive of the UK’s Climate Change Committee, and had a brief spell as CEO of the Carbon Trust before heading back to government. This should be good, don’t miss out! Register

There will be taking a webinar break in August, but we’ll be back in September with a new monthly programme. In the meantime, browse our webinar back catalogue. 

25 July, 08.15 | Climate Majority Webinar | Carne Ross – the future of climate diplomacy

Carne Ross is a former senior British diplomat who is the founder and former executive director of Independent Diplomat, a diplomatic advisory group that was instrumental in setting the 1.5°C Paris Agreement target. Register

29 July | Deadline | Could collective insurance help farmers mitigate climate change?

Are you a farmer or do you know farmers? Our Scoping Study Award recipients, Zainab Oyetunde-Usman (Rothamsted) and Joana Ferreira (SRUC), are researching whether collective farm insurance could help farmers take the plunge (by reducing business risk) towards emissions reduction. Your participation will help inform discussions with insurance companies and contribute to the development of tailored insurance products. The survey takes 15 mins – help them out here. 

Jez Fredenburgh

Author: Jez Fredenburgh

Knowledge Exchange Fellow