Sam Rossiter

Director | Agroecology Lab

My preferred location(s)

  • South West

My background

  • Academia
  • Other

My field of interest and expertise

  • AI, robotics, machinery and data science

I am interested in working with other members on

Open source robotics for horticulture

About me

Sam has practical experience running commercial and production aquaponic units, and in developing monitoring and control systems. He’s an advocate for sustainable agriculture and Open-Source technologies. As the lead technologist for the Transition Towns movement, Sam is the product owner for the social networking platforms and collaboration tools forthis global initiative. He is director and lead grower for Nibley Leaves, a small salad business supplying salad leaves to Bristol restaurants. His work in designing solar- powered robots to support urban and peri-urban farming highlights his dedication to low-carbon, high-tech solutions for the agricultural sector.

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