Iain Reid

Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Management | Manchester Metropolitan University

My preferred location(s)

  • North West

My background

  • Academia

My field of interest and expertise

  • AI, robotics, machinery and data science
  • Infrastructure and logistics
  • Processing and manufacturing
  • Supply chains, retail and hospitality
  • Systems thinking and modelling

I am interested in working with other members on

Supply Chain - Traders - Business Relationship Management- Addressing Advocacy in the supply chain through digitalisation

About me

Prof Iain Reid is recognised strength is grounded in Operational Agility, specifically Small Mediums Enterprises (SMEs). He has a talent for Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTPs), securing funding in the region of £2M, developing new collaborative partnerships across a number of industry sectors, predominately with manufacturing SMEs and more recently legal services. Iain’s research is focus stems from Operational Agility, Industry 4.0, Knowledge Transfer in SMEs and new Innovations Professional Services, specifically legal technologies. His work has over 70 articles, including the International Journal of Production Research, Int. J. Supply Chain Management, Production Planning and Control, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Int. J. Services and Operations Management; Educational Technology Research and Development, and the Journal of Quality Engineering and Reliability. He has undertaken research collaborations with universities across the world, including the University of Baltimore (USA), Swinburne University (Australia), University of Palemo (Italy) and University of Athabasca (Canada). Iain has also held faculty positions at both the University of Huddersfield and University of Liverpool. Prior to joining academia Iain was a mechanical engineer before becoming the Senior Projects Manager for the University of Liverpool’s Agility facilitating an EU funded ERDF project supporting over 150 SMEs manufacturers over a six-year period

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