My preferred location(s)
East Midlands
East of England
North East
North West
Northern Ireland
South East
South West
West Midlands
Yorkshire and the Humber
My background
Government or policy
Third sector
My field of interest and expertise
Consumers and diets
Crop production
Livestock farming
Policy and economics
Supply chains, retail and hospitality
Systems thinking and modelling
I am interested in working with other members on
Sustainable production to healthy consumption, unlocking consumer demand to create a marketplace for sustinable production, and using sustainable production as a lever to improve diet quality and health
About me
I’m a Registered Public Health Nutritionist with 15+ years experience working across sectors to deliver change goals.
Everything I do is based on coupling my deep expertise in nutritional science with an entrepreneurial approach.
Trusted by 20+ international and UK organisations
Awarded 'Sustainability Nutritionist of the Year'
Internationally acclaimed health influencer