My preferred location(s)
My background
My field of interest and expertise
Biodiversity, ecology, conservation
Consumers and diets
Food security and trade
Policy and economics
Power, inequality and just transition
Processing and manufacturing
Supply chains, retail and hospitality
Systems thinking and modelling
Waste, energy and circular systems
About me
Chris West is the SEI York Deputy Director for Research and leads SEI York’s Sustainable Consumption and Production group. He has a multidisciplinary background encompassing environmental science, ecology, mathematics and economics. At SEI, he has led and contributed to a number of projects developing an understanding of the links between international supply chains and environmental impact and risk, which includes the development of SEI’s hybrid multi-regional input output model (IOTA) and material flow platform (Trase). He engages actively (including via workshops and other face-to-face activities) with policy, business and third-sector practitioners in the development of this work.