My preferred location(s)
Yorkshire and the Humber
My background
My field of interest and expertise
Biodiversity, ecology, conservation
Food security and trade
Policy and economics
Power, inequality and just transition
Waste, energy and circular systems
I am interested in working with other members on
Food policy assemblages, integrating food and nature policies, more-than-human city, just and sustainable city-regions, food waste, gleaning, beekeeping.
About me
I am a cultural anthropologist with extensive international research and teaching experience on just and sustainable cities, food systems and social change. My work explores the socio-cultural contexts, ethics, politics and sustainability potential of diverse social food economies in cities. I have conducted ethnographies on food waste, urban beekeeping, non-monetised alternative food economies, and food sharing in Australia, Venezuela, Spain, Norway and the UK. This research contributes knowledge to urban natures, conservation, design, and healthy and resilient cities. Awarded my PhD on 12 May 2015, I have published more than 40 academic refereed publications, including 3 edited books ('Food for Degrowth: Perspectives and Principles', 'Food, Senses and the City', and 'Urban Natures: Living the More-than-Human City') and 1 monograph ('Food Resistance Movements: Journeying through Alternative Food Networks'). I also have experience designing and delivering global, cross-cultural, interdisciplinary and multi-sectoral research panels, programs and networks. Positions held include: Sustainability Fellow (University of Surrey, current), UrbanA Fellow for Just and Sustainable Cities (EU project, 2019-2021), leading the governance infrastructure, networks and institutionalisation work package for the EU H2020 IA project EdiCitNet to establish an international edible cities network (RMIT Europe, Barcelona 2018-2020), World Social Science Fellow on Urban Issues in the Global South (International Social Science Council, 2013), Australian Anthropology Society Fellow (2016 ongoing), and Honorary Research Associate for the Centre for Urban Research (RMIT University, 2016-2019). In my current role at the Centre for Food Policy (City St. George's) I am contributing to research on food policy as part of the UKRI Fix Our Food project.